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In The Vision, a new ongoing Marvel comic book series by Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta and Jordie Bellaire, a family of androids move into a…
The digital medium has interfered radically with the realm of art and aesthetics in the past decades. In the last few years, Los Angeles based…
In ”World of Tomorrow”, one of the nominees in this year’s Animated Short category at the Academy Awards, the small child Emily is contacted by her…
Italian neurosurgeon is optimistic about controversial ‘body-swap’ procedure which involves transplanting a patient’s head unto a donor body. While…
A few recent books of interest which in various way deal with the possibility of human change
The controversial three-parent IVF procedure was legally approved in the UK earlier this year, but an even more revolutionary stem-cell based…
The latest edition of Humanities “No Future without Humanities: Literary Perspectives” (2015, 4) features article on emerging fields of interest in…
New York Times feature: Scientists combine high-resolution brain-image analysis with collaborative computer gaming in an attempt to map the totality…
This week, on the 9th of January, Professor Jacob Wamberg published a feature article in Politiken, in which he sharply and briefly explains the…
Babies with three biological parents have been achieved before, but 2015 may see government support and legal status for three-parent IVF procedure in…
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