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Professor Barry Brummett: "Steampunk and Kenneth Burke's Four Master Tropes"

Open seminar with Professor Barry Brummett (University of Texas-Austin) on Kenneth Burke and the rhetoric of steampunk

Info about event


Friday 20 March 2015,  at 11:00 - 15:00


Langelandsgade 139, DK-8000 Aarhus C, building 1586, room 114

Professor Barry Brummett from the University of Texas at Austin visits Aarhus University to give a talk and seminar on the rhetorical workings of popular culture, specifically on the subject of steampunk, a subcultural movement with beginnings in science fiction which has later developed into a broader life style. 

Please register for the seminar by e-mail to Johannes Poulsen (johannespoulsen@dac.au.dk) before friday (13th)

Dr. Barry Brummett (Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1978) is the Chair of the Communication Studies department. He has taught at Purdue University and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee before coming to the University of Texas-Austin. Brummett's research interests turned early to the theories of Kenneth Burke and to epistemology and rhetoric. In those studies Brummett laid the foundation for a research program that investigates the functions and manifestations of new rhetoric. One later line of research took him into the study of apocalyptic rhetoric. Brummett's most recent, ongoing interests are in the rhetoric of popular culture. He has developed a general theoretical basis for understanding that rhetoric and has investigated the rhetoric of symbolic forms most recently. Brummett is currently at work on a scholarly monograph exploring the ways in which personal and social style is the connection among communication, culture, commodification, and aesthetics. Brummett is the author of Rhetorical Dimensions Of Popular Culture, Contemporary Apocalyptic Rhetoric, Rhetoric of Machine Aesthetics, The World and How We Describe It, and Rhetorical Homologies.