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POSTHUMAN seminar: Edward A. Shanken & Yolande Harris

For the first installment in our lecture series, we are happy to present Visiting Associate Professor Edward A. Shanken from the University of Washington, and scholar/sound artist Yolande Harris, who will both participate in a seminar on the interactions between visual/auditive art and technology.

Info about event


Wednesday 28 January 2015,  at 11:30 - 16:30


Kunsthal Aarhus, J. M. Mørls gade 13, DK-8000 Aarhus


Posthuman Aesthetics, Kunsthal Aarhus
Image by Jakob Gaardbo Nielsen

For the first installment in our lecture series, we are happy to present Edward A. Shanken & Yolande Harris, who will participate in a small seminar. 

Edward A. Shanken is Visiting Associate Professor at the Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media at the University of Washington. He has performed notable research on the entwinement of art, science and technology with a focus on interdisciplinary practices involving new media.

- Website

Yolande Harris is a sound artist and scholar. Her artistic research projects consider  techniques of navigation, sonification of data, sound worlds outside the human hearing range, and underwater bioacoustics. They take the form of audio-visual installations and performances, instruments, walks, performative lectures and writings. She weaves together her artwork with her theories of techno-intuition and sonic consciousness, in which expanded forms of awareness emerge through technological media and critical listening techniques.

- Website

11.30-13.00: Edward Shanken: "The Posthuman Future of Art:  Beyond Systems Aesthetics and the Telematic Embrace"
13.00-13.45: Lunch break
13.45-15.15: Yolande Harris: "Listening to the Distance: Art and Mediated Experiences of the Environment"
15.15-15.45: Coffee break
15.45-16.30: Summing up

Event site at Kunsthal Aarhus